Wednesday, May 29, 2019

SEO Tips for E-Commerce Site

SEO Tips for E-Commerce Site

If you are selling services or products through online, your website needs to be easily found by your customers. The appearing in the first position of GOOGLE SERP's. It would be disaster to have the best products and website if you cannot reach your audience. This is where SEO can help you the most, It will help you rank higher in the SERPs and make your website be visible by your target. The more traffic you get in your site, the more likely you are to make conversions.
SEO Tips for E-Commerce Site

Here are some tips to help you optimize your E-Commerce site for SEO and increase your business.

  • You can set efficient Keyword :-
Choose the right keywords is the key to rank your E-Commerce website. Take the time to do some in  depth keywords researches to pick the once that suit your activity. Long tail keywords can be really help you that rank your website on high on specific niches where your competitors are not already.
  • Use strategic keywords in anchor text :-
If you using anchor text to boost your SEO is a good solution. Your E-Commerce website is for sure full of links pointing to your pages and you need to optimize your anchor to maximize your potential. You need to make them looks natural with anchors like "here" but can also use strategic keywords you want to rank for.
  • Avoid Duplicate Content :-
The duplicate content can seriously be an enemy when it comes to E-Commerce website. The E-Commerce site particularly meet this issue because they deal with a lot of product descriptions. And these descriptions are often given by a seller, who can distributes those products to different websites.
  • Optimize your products images :-
The E-Commerce site relies on images, they are sales targeting factor. Your images must be high qualitative, unique and compelling. But having great images is not enough especially if you want bots to find them.

  • Write product description
  • Customize URL for search engine crawl
  • Watch if traffic is converting to sales
  • Improve usability
  • Avoid broken link
These are also some of  the major SEO Tips for E-Commerce Site.

SEO Tips for E-Commerce Site

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